

Ways to Improve the Productivity of Your Single Crystal Diffractometer (Jul 08, 2020)

In chemical crystallography or structural biology, the best X-ray diffractometers are those that are always in use, consistently producing publication-quality data. Whether you are running an older system or a state-of-the-art machine, learn ways you can easily upgrade the instrument to protect the value of your system, increase its versatility and attract more users to your facility.

Conversely, if your instrument is already running at full capacity, and you would benefit from faster data collection or higher throughput, discover how upgrading to the latest technologies or adding accessories can help you. Enjoy the power and ease of use of the latest state-of-the-art technology.

This 1-hour webinar provides an overview of the possibilities available and gives you plenty of ideas to enhance your Bruker D8 diffractometer.

View the recording (1 hour)

Download the presentation (10 MB)



Dr. Vernon Smith
Business Development Manager
Karlsruhe, Germany

Dr. Martin Adam
Product Manager
Karlsruhe, Germany