Explore the impact of Bruker's D8 DISCOVER Plus for a wide range of materials research applications

Webinar Invitation

XRD Applications




Uncompromised Power, Unmatched Accuracy, 
Unparalleled Efficiency

View our webinar discussing Bruker's premium class X-ray diffraction solutions! 

The D8 DISCOVER Plus combines the raw power of a rotating anode source and the world’s most accurate goniometer, with the efficiency and ease-of-use of Bruker premium X-ray diffraction solutions. Two key innovations reside at the core of the D8 DISCOVER Plus: the ATLAS goniometer and the TXS-HE X-ray source. This combination results in unrivaled data quality, in both peak position and signal to noise, for applications across the materials analysis spectrum.  

This 20-minute webinar explores the impact of the D8 DISCOVER Plus for a wide range of applications, from powder to epitaxial thin film analysis, with examples including low limits of detection (LLoD), Pair Distribution Function (PDF) analysis and Rapid Reciprocal Space Mapping (RapidRSM).

View Recording (19:32 min)

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Bruker Webinars

 May 8, 2018