Webinar Invitation

High-pressure X-ray Crystallography for the Home Lab

Learn what's new at Bruker with high-pressure experiments

In this webinar, Przemyslaw Dera and Michael Ruf will talk about high-pressure crystallography performed on a Bruker home-lab instrument. Przemek will start with a brief introduction to high-pressure crystallography. He will focus on scientific motivation, types of phenomena studied and experimental challenges. He will follow with a short description of synchrotron single-crystal diffraction and examples of synchrotron data processing with APEX3. The main part of the talk will describe Bruker's state-of-the-art home lab system for ultrahigh pressure single crystal diffraction (X-ray Atlas), show preliminary data and compare them with synchrotron results, describe on-going customizations including online ruby fluorescence system, central motorized sample platform and beamstop photodiode intensity monitor. Michael will talk about the latest improvements in hardware and software that enhance data quality and will give a live software demonstration for a multiple crystal approach that helps to greatly improve data completeness and data quality of a high pressure experiment. The live webinar will be followed by a 15-minute Q&A session.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Bruker Webinars

Dr. Przemylsaw Dera
University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Hawai'i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology

Dr. Michael Ruf
Product Manager SCD
Bruker AXS Inc